Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Most people in Australia have heard of the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Breakthrough or 12WBT.  I have tried once before and wasn't that impressed.  But my friend asked me to join for accountability and I want to be supportive.  So starting next week, I'll be letting Biggest Loser Michelle Bridges help me along for 12 weeks.  It will be close to what I am already eating so that is good.  It will be a lot more exercise which is also good.

Most importantly, we can all use more accountability.
Looking forward to Sunday start.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Sunday Weigh In

and I am happy.  I had a good week.  I continue to eat healthy.  But the scale went up.  I am not going to freak out.  I am going to appreciate the fact that I am still being good to myself.


Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Weigh Everyday

Although I was always taught to not let the numbers on the scale ruin your program (they definitely ruin your mood!!!!) the current research shows that those who weigh every day, are the ones that keep weight off.

To quote from the article below:

 In a two-year study of 162 overweight and obese gym members, those asked to weigh themselves daily and chart the results were more likely to lose significant weight and then keep it off.
• Another study of 92 overweight adults found increased weight loss among those assigned to daily use of a digital scale that sent results to a website. The numbers were accessible to both users and counselors — who followed up with tips and encouragement. The daily weighers saw no increases in depression, binge eating or other signs of disordered eating.
"We found no negative outcomes," says Steinberg, who led that study and has launched a commercial version of the scale-centered weight loss plan.

So, here is my new, cute chart and the reminder of where I am going on the scale!

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Sunday Weigh In

WOW!!!  What a week of positive eating.
My mind is completely BLOWN!  I lost another 3.6 pounds this past week and I ate a lot!  I do not feel deprived but I had healthy, nutritious choices for every meal.

I ate a LOT of chicken.
I ate a LOT of fruit.  Literally I ate an ENTIRE watermelon in 5 days.  That is a lot of fruit.  Plus 4-6 bananas, peach, strawberries, orange.
I did NOT have any alcohol or any processed sugar.  I did have honey for my throat.

I feel great.  This is the least I have weighed since May.  I could be in the 230s next week which would be amazing!  This is definitely the most empowered I have felt in a long time.  I feel I know the secret.

My goal for 2017 was 52 pounds or one pound per week.  After three weeks, I have lost 12.1 pounds!

Friday, 20 January 2017

Funny Friday

I bought a HUGE watermelon my first day back home so I have been having it for dessert every night.  So....

Thursday, 19 January 2017

too sick to write too much

Four days back home and I am STILL carrying around this cough and cold.  I just cancelled my Australian Open tickets for tonight.  Grrrrrr...

A few things that have happened since I have been home:

 - I weighed in at EXACTLY the same weight as I left fat camp.  I think that is great.  I feel it gives me a real baseline.
 - I have had chicken, chicken and chicken in different ways since landing.  I feel like I have had great meals and don't feel deprived at all.
 - I have not had any processed sweets since coming home.  I have had fruit for dessert every night.  I will have chocolate when I crave it but so far it has been good.
 - My morning weigh ins have reflected my good job with the eating program so far.  I am confident I will be down my one pound this week or maybe even a little more.
 - My first meal out was perfect (poached egg, one piece of whole grain toast, 1/2 avocado).
 - My only exercise has been walking the dog but I am really worn down.

Four great days so far!

Monday, 16 January 2017

Monday Motivation

One of my favorite xmas presents this year was a motivational book that Willa made for me.  I love the quotes she selected but the drawings she she did to illustrate are masterful.  So for the next few weeks, you are getting motivations from Willa.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Light Reading

Emily, the nutritionist, has recommended several books and I am starting on Intuitive Eating first.

Intuitive Eating
The Happiness Trap

I am really interested in Mindsight as it is about the brain science behind emotional and social intelligence - the mental trap that causes recurring conflict in our lives.  The second chapter is called "Crepes of Wrath" so that already has me smiling.  I may get lost in the scientific brain stuff but I am still super interested.

Thursday, 12 January 2017


I love the idea of rewarding yourself with non food items.  A double bonus is when the reward somehow still relates to your nutrition or health goals.  One of my recent rewards is a new band for my fitbit.  I love the idea of having fun colors and they only cost about $10.  It is an every day reminder of how enabled you can be.

I need more ideas!

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

This post is really for me.

Here is a reminder of all of the AMAZING food I can eat and still lose weight. Last night we had a cheeseburger.  Every night has been really delicious food.  Each one of these dishes is delicious and not difficult to make.  MANGIA!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Our need to be needed surpasses our need to take care of ourselves

I just want to comment again on my class yesterday.  The model is based on beliefs and emotions is what drives our behavior and results.  This didn't really awaken me until she gave examples in class.

She asked, "what is one of your nutritional beliefs?"
One of the guys answered that he now believes he can eat healthy whole foods and feel full and think the dinners are yummy.  This belief has driven the action or behavior that he is planning on cleaning out his cupboards and shopping in a different way for food.

Someone else responded that she believes she will feel better if she eats better.  So she has been copying down recipes to imitate when she gets back.

Do you know why my first thought was when they asked the question?
My belief was that if it tastes good it is high in calories.  (I was thinking of desserts.)  So of course my behavior has continued to be that I am in constant deprivation.  I want sugar.  I want dessert.

When I left here after the first time I wasn't scared.  I just knew I could continue to do it.
I know that I can do it again but it was this light bulb that it is only my beliefs that are getting in my way.

Very good lecture.

BTW - BEAUTIFUL hike this morning.  Cool and sunny.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Motivation Monday

I'm using a Covey quote for Motivation Monday because in one of today's classes we talked a lot about the Covey method.  I had a bit of a breakthru on beliefs and actions.  And as we all know, not believing is a self fulfilling prophecy and believing is a self fulfilling prophecy.  I have to believe in myself and my weight loss.  And, I do and I do.

On a separate note - another delicious food day.  We had shrimp alfredo pizza for dinner.

And chicken cups with noodles and pineapple for lunch. Yum.

Sunday Weigh In

I did have a peek at the scale and it is looking good.  I know my stretch goal was 14 pounds but 7 pounds per week has never happened.

I would be happy with 5 pounds this week.
I'm really going to go for it.

After weigh in, I spent the afternoon watching the Giants - Packers game with a fellow football fan and Giants supporter.  No pizza, wings, burgers!!!!  Just watching!  At least the score ended the right way.

Friday, 6 January 2017

Funny Friday

I have renamed Funny Friday to 5k Friday.  Oh!!!!  Actually, that is a really great idea.  What if I did a 5k walk every Friday before work?  Hmmmm....  that would either be a 6am start or walking to work.  I"ll have to think about that.

They have started a new thing here in Utah that every Friday you can sign up for a 5k or 10 walk or run.  I haven't done a 5k since I did my knee at the Milwaukee 5k.  I knew I was going to walk the event so I felt absolutely no pressure.

But...a storm blew in yesterday.  As I was doing my walk yesterday, these amazing low hanging clouds started gathering and the winds were picking up.  By evening it was raining-ish, snowing.  This moring I woke up to sunny skies but the temps had really decreased.  I just couldn't get warm.

I know I am going to walk this 5k but it is cold.  I put on a Nike Dri Fit with thumb holes and hoodie.  Then I layer a long sleeve cotton tshirt, a think sweatshirt, a Nike Dri Fit wind breaker and a sports vest.  Unfortunately, I only had on the one pair of pants.  Cap, scarf and gloves.

I was so cold.  My legs just wouldn't move.  I have no idea what my time was but surely it was well over an hour.  But...it was great to get a 5k out of the way!  Happy Friday.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Do I need more muscle or not????

I think part of EVERYONE'S struggle is the fact that we are told different things by "experts" and then we are told the exact opposite.

Don't eat eggs.
Eggs are great.

Don't eat fat.
You need fat.

Don't eat carbs.
You have to have carbs.

With all I have done the last five years, I consider myself a bit of an expert.  But this new one baffles me.  I have been trying very hard to build up muscle and the trainer here told me I have enough muscle.  I need to do more cardio.

Here at fat camp they use an InBody to weigh you and it gives you a print out of your fat/muscle ration on your body.  (Amongst other things.)  Here is EXACTLY what the detail reads:

"Considering your current body compostion, you could benefit by a decrease of 91.7 pounds of body fat and an increase of 0.01lbs of muscle mass."

It also tells me my BMR is 1602 calories.

So, do I trust what this readout says, or...do I keep concentrating on strength training back home?
I am really stumped by this one!!!!

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Cheesy goodness

I know I have talked about healthy pizza before but the pizza here is PHENOMENAL!  And I figured out why - it is the asiago cheese.  It is so tasty.  To the best of my knowledge, we don't have it in Australia.

Australians....where can I find it?????

My pizza recipe is a tortilla in the oven so it bakes just a bit (2-3 minutes).
Take it out and add sauce and toppings.
Pop back in for about 6-10 minutes.  Just to the cheese gets melty.

I MUST find the asiago cheese.
Dinner was tomato and bacon pizza with berry sorbet for dessert.


Great cooking demo and ANYONE can make the things that were made today. The first one I will make for Andrew is steak because that is his favorite.  It was steak shish kabob with a mushroom, onion and feta stuffed tomato.  It took 15 minutes and was AMAZING!!!!!!

This is the new dessert which I hope we are getting tonight (fingers crossed).  It is turtle pie.   A light graham cracker crust, pb2 with yogurt with choc drizzeled on top and nuts.  YUM-O!!!!