Wednesday, 14 December 2016

I am trying to remember to take pics of all of my food

Yesterday we talked about how using a diary is the absolute best way to ensure you stay on your program.  One of the new ways of doing this is to take pics of your food.  I try to remember but I just start eating before I take the pic!!!!

Here are a few examples - note how they use little plates to make everything look big!  I am going to start eating on salad plates.

As always I start my morning with a chocolate, peanut butter and banana smoothie.  Delicious.  I actually think the one I make is better - I have now perfected it!

You get a vegetable soup before each lunch.  Today was cream of broccoli and it was absolutely delicious.  I could have just had that.  Yum.  We also had green chicken curry but I ate it before I took a picture. :)

 Last night's dinner was a turkey rueben.  I discovered these a few years a go at fat camp.  I am very big on this as it has sauerkraut which everyone is saying is so good for your gut health.  I think I need to incorporate this in once a week into my diet.

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