Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Weigh Everyday

Although I was always taught to not let the numbers on the scale ruin your program (they definitely ruin your mood!!!!) the current research shows that those who weigh every day, are the ones that keep weight off.

To quote from the article below:

 In a two-year study of 162 overweight and obese gym members, those asked to weigh themselves daily and chart the results were more likely to lose significant weight and then keep it off.
• Another study of 92 overweight adults found increased weight loss among those assigned to daily use of a digital scale that sent results to a website. The numbers were accessible to both users and counselors — who followed up with tips and encouragement. The daily weighers saw no increases in depression, binge eating or other signs of disordered eating.
"We found no negative outcomes," says Steinberg, who led that study and has launched a commercial version of the scale-centered weight loss plan.

So, here is my new, cute chart and the reminder of where I am going on the scale!

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