Friday, 28 February 2014

Toenails are for wimps

For some reason, I am continuing to lose toe nails which I am assuming is from my running. This is problematic for a few reasons but namely since I keep my toes very well manicured as I wear peep toe sling-backs to work. I am hoping it is a sign of hard work, but I just think I bought my new running shoes a little too small.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Healthy update

So, this isn't about weight loss but more about feeling great. I went to the blood specialist today and he told me that I still had my blood clot but it is small and I may have it forever. So...he is taking me off the blood thinners! YEA!
And I can have massages! YEA!
And I can get a tattoo! YEA!
And I just have to take some pills when I fly international. No shots in the stomach! YEA!

More tests in about a month but I feel so much better about myself now that I am officially off the drugs.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

I do not condone this, but....

When you come home from work and you just want to watch the Badger game (yes...even in Australia we have ESPN) and there is nothing eat, it is better to have a diet frozen dinner than take away. It is just so important to read the labels and one of the best is Amy's which I can now get in Melbourne  I had the 400 calorie enchiladas with a salad. A good alternative to being bad. (I hate to admit it because it is frozen food, but they were absolutely delicious.)

Monday, 24 February 2014

Motivation Monday

One last pic from the Neon run. Maybe this is the motivation all of us need to keep doing FUN exercise and making things more enjoyable.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Sunday Weigh In

No weigh in today because after my crazy run and other mistreatment of my feet yesterday, I can not walk today. My perenial tendenitis caught up with me and am in bed all day.  Finally could stop crawling and stand up at about 2pm.

Hopefully more functioning tomorrow.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Dance Dance Dance

I did the Neon Run tonight and have a lot of mixed reviews.

So, it is a really fun 5k with dance parties thrown in as you go around. FUN!
Running in the black night and seeing neon people run around the lake looked really cool. FUN!

I didn't realise until I finished with what was undoubtably my best 5k time EVER that they weren't timing the race. Who doesn't time a 5k? NOT FUN!

By the time we walked there, ran the race and walked home, I burned 1000 calories which was needed after a day at the races.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Doggy Diet Deux

It is working!
I am watching the portions and getting my exercise in - it feels great.

Tomorrow will be the test.
A full day at the races and then to the park for the Neon Run 5k.
Must be good!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Doggy Diet

I was out with my friend Mark (who is a vet) this weekend. I asked him, what do you do when a dog comes in and he is overweight?

Mark's responses were immediate, and unfortunately, spot on for humans. I realized, I need to be on a doggy diet.

- Portion control
- Measure the food (don't just eyeball)
- Don't eat twice (or I guess for humans, only eat at your designated meal times)
- Ration (once the food is gone for the day, you are done)

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sunday weigh in

After last week's great motivation and goal setting, I thought I would be perfect, but...I just wasn't. I am still the up and down. But, this morning I am going to choose to be positive. I just got back from a 5k in the rain. I feel great and am going to have a great day.

Date Weight lbs Loss/Wk lbs
21-Aug-11 272.80  
25-Sep-11 248.90 23.90
10-Oct-11 243.98 4.92
16-Oct-11 243.10 0.88
23-Oct-11 242.22 0.88
30-Oct-11 231.00 11.22
6-Nov-11 230.78 0.22
13-Nov-11 229.68 1.10
20-Nov-11 229.02 0.66
27-Nov-11 239.90 -10.88
4-Dec-11 237.80 2.10
11-Dec-11 242.50 -4.70
18-Dec-11 245.50 -3.00
25-Dec-11 244.50 1.00
1-Jan-12 244.50 0.00
3-Jan-12 242.50 2.00
7-Jan-12 228.14 14.36
15-Jan-12 227.04 1.10
22-Jan-12 225.50 1.54
28-Jan-12 236.94 7.56
5-Feb-12 234.74 2.20
12-Feb-12 234.74 0.00
19-Feb-12 232.10 2.64
26-Feb-12 234.30 -2.20
4-Mar-12 230.12 4.18
11-Mar-12 232.54 -2.42
18-Mar-12 230.12 2.42
25-Mar-12 228.14 1.98
1-Apr-12 230.56 -2.42
8-Apr-12 226.16 4.40
15-Apr-12 228.58 -2.42
22-Apr-12 231.44 -2.86
29-Apr-12 226.38 5.06
6-May-12 225.50 0.88
13-May-12 226.16 -0.66
18-May-12 224.40 1.76
27-May-12 222.64 1.76
3-Jun-12 226.16 -3.52
14-Jun-12 225.72 0.44
17-Jun-12 226.60 -0.88
24-Jun-12 232.00 -5.40
1-Jul-12 230.80 1.20
8-Jul-12 224.00 6.80
15-Jul-12 219.60 4.40
22-Jul-12 228.00 -8.40
29-Jul-12 224.80 3.20
9-Aug-12 224.80 0.00
12-Aug-12 226.80 -2.00
19-Aug-12 226.20 0.60
26-Aug-12 224.60 1.60
2-Sep-12 223.50 1.10
9-Sep-12 221.20 2.30
16-Sep-12 223.80 -2.60
23-Sep-12 227.20 -3.40
30-Sep-12 225.80 1.40
7-Oct-12 225.00 0.80
14-Oct-12 220.00 5.00
21-Oct-12 224.20 -4.20
28-Oct-12 220.80 3.40
4-Nov-12 224.20 -3.40
11-Nov-12 224.00 0.20
18-Nov-12 225.40 -1.40
25-Nov-12 225.20 0.20
2-Dec-12 227.00 -1.80
9-Dec-12 227.80 -0.80
16-Dec-12 224.80 3.00
23-Dec-12 225.60 -0.80
1-Jan-13 222.80 2.80
6-Jan-13 228.00 -5.20
13-Jan-13 228.00 0.00
20-Jan-13 218.70 9.30
27-Jan-13 218.20 0.50
3-Feb-13 221.60 -3.40
10-Feb-13 220.40 1.20
17-Feb-13 222.00 -1.60
24-Feb-13 219.80 2.20
3-Mar-13 218.60 1.20
10-Mar-13 222.00 -3.40
17-Mar-13 220.20 1.80
24-Mar-13 223.20 -3.00
31-Mar-13 218.40 4.80
7-Apr-13 222.00 -3.60
14-Apr-13 224.00 -2.00
21-Apr-13 226.60 -2.60
28-Apr-13 223.40 3.20
5-May-13 223.40 0.00
12-May-13 224.20 -0.80
19-May-13 222.80 1.40
26-May-13 223.00 -0.20
2-Jun-13 223.00 0.00
9-Jun-13 218.40 4.60
16-Jun-13 225.30 -6.90
23-Jun-13 218.00 7.30
30-Jun-13 218.80 -0.80
7-Jul-13 221.80 -3.00
14-Jul-13 220.60 1.20
21-Jul-13 216.80 3.80
28-Jul-13 219.80 -3.00
4-Aug-13 221.40 -1.60
11-Aug-13 223.80 -2.40
18-Aug-13 223.40 0.40
25-Aug-13 224.60 -1.20
1-Sep-13 224.20 0.40
8-Sep-13 222.20 2.00
15-Sep-13 225.20 -3.00
22-Sep-13 223.20 2.00
29-Sep-13 222.40 0.80
6-Oct-13 224.80 -2.40
13-Oct-13 224.40 0.40
20-Oct-13 224.40 0.00
27-Oct-13 224.20 0.20
3-Nov-13 228.40 -4.20
10-Nov-13 226.20 2.20
17-Nov-13 225.20 1.00
24-Nov-13 226.20 -1.00
1-Dec-13 226.20 0.00
8-Dec-13 225.80 0.40
15-Dec-13 232.20 -6.40
22-Dec-13 226.60 5.60
29-Dec-13 229.00 -2.40
5-Jan-14 231.70 -2.70
12-Jan-14 224.40 7.30
19-Jan-14 229.20 -4.80
26-Jan-14 227.20 2.00
2-Feb-14 228.00 -0.80
9-Feb-14 228.20 -0.20
16-Feb-14 228.60 -0.40

Saturday, 15 February 2014

I don't know why she swallowed a fly

Still trying to get back into running fitness. This morning I just did not feel like getting out of bed so I finally made it to the Tan at 11:00. Success #1 is I actually did go to the Tan.

I received a text from Tim before I left reminding me to hydrate as he had just seen someone pass out on the path. Success #2 is I did not get sick on my run.

It was warm and disgusting and the flies were awful! I only made it 17 minutes before I needed to take a break. I walked for 10 and then ran the rest of the way. Success #3 I made it around the Tan in under 40 minutes even with walking.

Somewhere during the run, a fly did get in my mouth! Disgusting!

Friday, 14 February 2014

the outfit of shame

I signed up for a class at the gym yesterday. When I checked in I asked where it was and it didn't sound right. So I asked about the class which sounded way too hard! So, I cancelled and thought, "oh, I'll just go on some equipment."

So, I went and put on my gym outfit and realised - I didn't have my ipod with me. Can't work out without an ipod.

So, I went home where I thought I will then work out.
But I didn't.

So, this morning, I took out the clothes I had put on but hadn't worked out in and finally worked out.
It is a shame outfit.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

summer salad

Delicious salad tonight! I know, I should have taken a picture BEFORE we ate it all but it looked so good!

Chunks of Watermelon
Thinly sliced cucumber
Red onion
maybe a dash of olive oil

Monday, 10 February 2014

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sunday Weigh In

Ok, it was a crazy day today before weigh in. It was 104* this morning when I went out to run my 5k and could barely get a mile in! But, I feel invigorated to attain my weight. I have 25 weeks to get to my 199 pound goal. I am going to do this!

Date Weight lbs Loss/Wk lbs
21-Aug-11 272.80  
25-Sep-11 248.90 23.90
10-Oct-11 243.98 4.92
16-Oct-11 243.10 0.88
23-Oct-11 242.22 0.88
30-Oct-11 231.00 11.22
6-Nov-11 230.78 0.22
13-Nov-11 229.68 1.10
20-Nov-11 229.02 0.66
27-Nov-11 239.90 -10.88
4-Dec-11 237.80 2.10
11-Dec-11 242.50 -4.70
18-Dec-11 245.50 -3.00
25-Dec-11 244.50 1.00
1-Jan-12 244.50 0.00
3-Jan-12 242.50 2.00
7-Jan-12 228.14 14.36
15-Jan-12 227.04 1.10
22-Jan-12 225.50 1.54
28-Jan-12 236.94 7.56
5-Feb-12 234.74 2.20
12-Feb-12 234.74 0.00
19-Feb-12 232.10 2.64
26-Feb-12 234.30 -2.20
4-Mar-12 230.12 4.18
11-Mar-12 232.54 -2.42
18-Mar-12 230.12 2.42
25-Mar-12 228.14 1.98
1-Apr-12 230.56 -2.42
8-Apr-12 226.16 4.40
15-Apr-12 228.58 -2.42
22-Apr-12 231.44 -2.86
29-Apr-12 226.38 5.06
6-May-12 225.50 0.88
13-May-12 226.16 -0.66
18-May-12 224.40 1.76
27-May-12 222.64 1.76
3-Jun-12 226.16 -3.52
14-Jun-12 225.72 0.44
17-Jun-12 226.60 -0.88
24-Jun-12 232.00 -5.40
1-Jul-12 230.80 1.20
8-Jul-12 224.00 6.80
15-Jul-12 219.60 4.40
22-Jul-12 228.00 -8.40
29-Jul-12 224.80 3.20
9-Aug-12 224.80 0.00
12-Aug-12 226.80 -2.00
19-Aug-12 226.20 0.60
26-Aug-12 224.60 1.60
2-Sep-12 223.50 1.10
9-Sep-12 221.20 2.30
16-Sep-12 223.80 -2.60
23-Sep-12 227.20 -3.40
30-Sep-12 225.80 1.40
7-Oct-12 225.00 0.80
14-Oct-12 220.00 5.00
21-Oct-12 224.20 -4.20
28-Oct-12 220.80 3.40
4-Nov-12 224.20 -3.40
11-Nov-12 224.00 0.20
18-Nov-12 225.40 -1.40
25-Nov-12 225.20 0.20
2-Dec-12 227.00 -1.80
9-Dec-12 227.80 -0.80
16-Dec-12 224.80 3.00
23-Dec-12 225.60 -0.80
1-Jan-13 222.80 2.80
6-Jan-13 228.00 -5.20
13-Jan-13 228.00 0.00
20-Jan-13 218.70 9.30
27-Jan-13 218.20 0.50
3-Feb-13 221.60 -3.40
10-Feb-13 220.40 1.20
17-Feb-13 222.00 -1.60
24-Feb-13 219.80 2.20
3-Mar-13 218.60 1.20
10-Mar-13 222.00 -3.40
17-Mar-13 220.20 1.80
24-Mar-13 223.20 -3.00
31-Mar-13 218.40 4.80
7-Apr-13 222.00 -3.60
14-Apr-13 224.00 -2.00
21-Apr-13 226.60 -2.60
28-Apr-13 223.40 3.20
5-May-13 223.40 0.00
12-May-13 224.20 -0.80
19-May-13 222.80 1.40
26-May-13 223.00 -0.20
2-Jun-13 223.00 0.00
9-Jun-13 218.40 4.60
16-Jun-13 225.30 -6.90
23-Jun-13 218.00 7.30
30-Jun-13 218.80 -0.80
7-Jul-13 221.80 -3.00
14-Jul-13 220.60 1.20
21-Jul-13 216.80 3.80
28-Jul-13 219.80 -3.00
4-Aug-13 221.40 -1.60
11-Aug-13 223.80 -2.40
18-Aug-13 223.40 0.40
25-Aug-13 224.60 -1.20
1-Sep-13 224.20 0.40
8-Sep-13 222.20 2.00
15-Sep-13 225.20 -3.00
22-Sep-13 223.20 2.00
29-Sep-13 222.40 0.80
6-Oct-13 224.80 -2.40
13-Oct-13 224.40 0.40
20-Oct-13 224.40 0.00
27-Oct-13 224.20 0.20
3-Nov-13 228.40 -4.20
10-Nov-13 226.20 2.20
17-Nov-13 225.20 1.00
24-Nov-13 226.20 -1.00
1-Dec-13 226.20 0.00
8-Dec-13 225.80 0.40
15-Dec-13 232.20 -6.40
22-Dec-13 226.60 5.60
29-Dec-13 229.00 -2.40
5-Jan-14 231.70 -2.70
12-Jan-14 224.40 7.30
19-Jan-14 229.20 -4.80
26-Jan-14 227.20 2.00
2-Feb-14 228.00 -0.80
9-Feb-14 228.20 -0.20

Friday, 7 February 2014

I love Jack Canfield

I just listened to Jack's annual goal setting message and have so many great ideas to get back on track. One of the many ideas he shared was the Rule of Five - do five things every day to get to your break through goal. My break through goal is to get to 150 pounds and my goal for this year is to lose 1 pound a week for a total of 52 pounds in 2014.

My rule of five is going to be the same things each day:
1 - Eat cereal/milk for breakfast (or equivalent 300 calorie meal)
2 - Exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes
3 - Eat sushi/sandwich (or equivalent 400 calorie meal)
4 - Drink a water with every tea
5 - Plan my day the night before

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


I was just reading a great article online -

While it is another article on how we are happier when we are exercising, I thought there was some interesting things stated -

When you release endorphins which is chemical from the fight/flee reaction in our brains, it has the same effect like morphine, heroine or nicotine.  (WHY AM I NOT ADDICTED???)

You only need 20 minutes to get the happiness boost all day.  (I do believe that!)

Make exercise a habit - you will be happier! :)

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

another great idea!

I made the commitment to write down my gym schedule this week and I did it. And, I am following it. One of the inspirations I got was to try a new class at the gym every day to see if I could find something new and fun.


Today's class was VIPR and I had no idea what it meant but I figured, how hard can it be? The answer is VERY HARD!

This is a VIPR bar but this is not what I look like!
If you don't know what a VIPR bar is (and I did not) it is a weight hollow tube with holes that can be used for different exercises. It is a lot of lifting weight (the bar), squats, core. I am not making up stories when I write that I was sweating after two minutes! But the class went really quickly as it was only 30 minutes and I would try it again. If I can walk in the morning!

Monday, 3 February 2014

Monday Motivation

It is one day at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Sunday Weigh In

You know the saying, "If you kinda diet, you kinda lose weight." That is really where I am. I am finding it almost impossible to put my weight loss first. Really for the past year. My goal today (just one day!) is to put my exercise into my diary. That is it.  One goal. One change.

Date Weight lbs Loss/Wk lbs
21-Aug-11 272.80  
25-Sep-11 248.90 23.90
10-Oct-11 243.98 4.92
16-Oct-11 243.10 0.88
23-Oct-11 242.22 0.88
30-Oct-11 231.00 11.22
6-Nov-11 230.78 0.22
13-Nov-11 229.68 1.10
20-Nov-11 229.02 0.66
27-Nov-11 239.90 -10.88
4-Dec-11 237.80 2.10
11-Dec-11 242.50 -4.70
18-Dec-11 245.50 -3.00
25-Dec-11 244.50 1.00
1-Jan-12 244.50 0.00
3-Jan-12 242.50 2.00
7-Jan-12 228.14 14.36
15-Jan-12 227.04 1.10
22-Jan-12 225.50 1.54
28-Jan-12 236.94 7.56
5-Feb-12 234.74 2.20
12-Feb-12 234.74 0.00
19-Feb-12 232.10 2.64
26-Feb-12 234.30 -2.20
4-Mar-12 230.12 4.18
11-Mar-12 232.54 -2.42
18-Mar-12 230.12 2.42
25-Mar-12 228.14 1.98
1-Apr-12 230.56 -2.42
8-Apr-12 226.16 4.40
15-Apr-12 228.58 -2.42
22-Apr-12 231.44 -2.86
29-Apr-12 226.38 5.06
6-May-12 225.50 0.88
13-May-12 226.16 -0.66
18-May-12 224.40 1.76
27-May-12 222.64 1.76
3-Jun-12 226.16 -3.52
14-Jun-12 225.72 0.44
17-Jun-12 226.60 -0.88
24-Jun-12 232.00 -5.40
1-Jul-12 230.80 1.20
8-Jul-12 224.00 6.80
15-Jul-12 219.60 4.40
22-Jul-12 228.00 -8.40
29-Jul-12 224.80 3.20
9-Aug-12 224.80 0.00
12-Aug-12 226.80 -2.00
19-Aug-12 226.20 0.60
26-Aug-12 224.60 1.60
2-Sep-12 223.50 1.10
9-Sep-12 221.20 2.30
16-Sep-12 223.80 -2.60
23-Sep-12 227.20 -3.40
30-Sep-12 225.80 1.40
7-Oct-12 225.00 0.80
14-Oct-12 220.00 5.00
21-Oct-12 224.20 -4.20
28-Oct-12 220.80 3.40
4-Nov-12 224.20 -3.40
11-Nov-12 224.00 0.20
18-Nov-12 225.40 -1.40
25-Nov-12 225.20 0.20
2-Dec-12 227.00 -1.80
9-Dec-12 227.80 -0.80
16-Dec-12 224.80 3.00
23-Dec-12 225.60 -0.80
1-Jan-13 222.80 2.80
6-Jan-13 228.00 -5.20
13-Jan-13 228.00 0.00
20-Jan-13 218.70 9.30
27-Jan-13 218.20 0.50
3-Feb-13 221.60 -3.40
10-Feb-13 220.40 1.20
17-Feb-13 222.00 -1.60
24-Feb-13 219.80 2.20
3-Mar-13 218.60 1.20
10-Mar-13 222.00 -3.40
17-Mar-13 220.20 1.80
24-Mar-13 223.20 -3.00
31-Mar-13 218.40 4.80
7-Apr-13 222.00 -3.60
14-Apr-13 224.00 -2.00
21-Apr-13 226.60 -2.60
28-Apr-13 223.40 3.20
5-May-13 223.40 0.00
12-May-13 224.20 -0.80
19-May-13 222.80 1.40
26-May-13 223.00 -0.20
2-Jun-13 223.00 0.00
9-Jun-13 218.40 4.60
16-Jun-13 225.30 -6.90
23-Jun-13 218.00 7.30
30-Jun-13 218.80 -0.80
7-Jul-13 221.80 -3.00
14-Jul-13 220.60 1.20
21-Jul-13 216.80 3.80
28-Jul-13 219.80 -3.00
4-Aug-13 221.40 -1.60
11-Aug-13 223.80 -2.40
18-Aug-13 223.40 0.40
25-Aug-13 224.60 -1.20
1-Sep-13 224.20 0.40
8-Sep-13 222.20 2.00
15-Sep-13 225.20 -3.00
22-Sep-13 223.20 2.00
29-Sep-13 222.40 0.80
6-Oct-13 224.80 -2.40
13-Oct-13 224.40 0.40
20-Oct-13 224.40 0.00
27-Oct-13 224.20 0.20
3-Nov-13 228.40 -4.20
10-Nov-13 226.20 2.20
17-Nov-13 225.20 1.00
24-Nov-13 226.20 -1.00
1-Dec-13 226.20 0.00
8-Dec-13 225.80 0.40
15-Dec-13 232.20 -6.40
22-Dec-13 226.60 5.60
29-Dec-13 229.00 -2.40
5-Jan-14 231.70 -2.70
12-Jan-14 224.40 7.30
19-Jan-14 229.20 -4.80
26-Jan-14 227.20 2.00
2-Feb-14 228.00 -0.80