Saturday, 15 February 2014

I don't know why she swallowed a fly

Still trying to get back into running fitness. This morning I just did not feel like getting out of bed so I finally made it to the Tan at 11:00. Success #1 is I actually did go to the Tan.

I received a text from Tim before I left reminding me to hydrate as he had just seen someone pass out on the path. Success #2 is I did not get sick on my run.

It was warm and disgusting and the flies were awful! I only made it 17 minutes before I needed to take a break. I walked for 10 and then ran the rest of the way. Success #3 I made it around the Tan in under 40 minutes even with walking.

Somewhere during the run, a fly did get in my mouth! Disgusting!


  1. Ah, the pleasures of running in an Australian summer! Good effort! B said the flies were terrible around the lake too.
