Sunday, 29 September 2013

One pound per week

I'm back on track. I am down another .8 this week.
Today is going to be busy. I need to spend time planning for my new weights program which will start tomorrow. I also want to make sure I have all the right food in the house.

Date Weight lbs Loss/Wk lbs
21-Aug-11 272.80  
25-Sep-11 248.90 23.90
10-Oct-11 243.98 4.92
16-Oct-11 243.10 0.88
23-Oct-11 242.22 0.88
30-Oct-11 231.00 11.22
6-Nov-11 230.78 0.22
13-Nov-11 229.68 1.10
20-Nov-11 229.02 0.66
27-Nov-11 239.90 -10.88
4-Dec-11 237.80 2.10
11-Dec-11 242.50 -4.70
18-Dec-11 245.50 -3.00
25-Dec-11 244.50 1.00
1-Jan-12 244.50 0.00
3-Jan-12 242.50 2.00
7-Jan-12 228.14 14.36
15-Jan-12 227.04 1.10
22-Jan-12 225.50 1.54
28-Jan-12 236.94 7.56
5-Feb-12 234.74 2.20
12-Feb-12 234.74 0.00
19-Feb-12 232.10 2.64
26-Feb-12 234.30 -2.20
4-Mar-12 230.12 4.18
11-Mar-12 232.54 -2.42
18-Mar-12 230.12 2.42
25-Mar-12 228.14 1.98
1-Apr-12 230.56 -2.42
8-Apr-12 226.16 4.40
15-Apr-12 228.58 -2.42
22-Apr-12 231.44 -2.86
29-Apr-12 226.38 5.06
6-May-12 225.50 0.88
13-May-12 226.16 -0.66
18-May-12 224.40 1.76
27-May-12 222.64 1.76
3-Jun-12 226.16 -3.52
14-Jun-12 225.72 0.44
17-Jun-12 226.60 -0.88
24-Jun-12 232.00 -5.40
1-Jul-12 230.80 1.20
8-Jul-12 224.00 6.80
15-Jul-12 219.60 4.40
22-Jul-12 228.00 -8.40
29-Jul-12 224.80 3.20
9-Aug-12 224.80 0.00
12-Aug-12 226.80 -2.00
19-Aug-12 226.20 0.60
26-Aug-12 224.60 1.60
2-Sep-12 223.50 1.10
9-Sep-12 221.20 2.30
16-Sep-12 223.80 -2.60
23-Sep-12 227.20 -3.40
30-Sep-12 225.80 1.40
7-Oct-12 225.00 0.80
14-Oct-12 220.00 5.00
21-Oct-12 224.20 -4.20
28-Oct-12 220.80 3.40
4-Nov-12 224.20 -3.40
11-Nov-12 224.00 0.20
18-Nov-12 225.40 -1.40
25-Nov-12 225.20 0.20
2-Dec-12 227.00 -1.80
9-Dec-12 227.80 -0.80
16-Dec-12 224.80 3.00
23-Dec-12 225.60 -0.80
1-Jan-13 222.80 2.80
6-Jan-13 228.00 -5.20
13-Jan-13 228.00 0.00
20-Jan-13 218.70 9.30
27-Jan-13 218.20 0.50
3-Feb-13 221.60 -3.40
10-Feb-13 220.40 1.20
17-Feb-13 222.00 -1.60
24-Feb-13 219.80 2.20
3-Mar-13 218.60 1.20
10-Mar-13 222.00 -3.40
17-Mar-13 220.20 1.80
24-Mar-13 223.20 -3.00
31-Mar-13 218.40 4.80
7-Apr-13 222.00 -3.60
14-Apr-13 224.00 -2.00
21-Apr-13 226.60 -2.60
28-Apr-13 223.40 3.20
5-May-13 223.40 0.00
12-May-13 224.20 -0.80
19-May-13 222.80 1.40
26-May-13 223.00 -0.20
2-Jun-13 223.00 0.00
9-Jun-13 218.40 4.60
16-Jun-13 225.30 -6.90
23-Jun-13 218.00 7.30
30-Jun-13 218.80 -0.80
7-Jul-13 221.80 -3.00
14-Jul-13 220.60 1.20
21-Jul-13 216.80 3.80
28-Jul-13 219.80 -3.00
4-Aug-13 221.40 -1.60
11-Aug-13 223.80 -2.40
18-Aug-13 223.40 0.40
25-Aug-13 224.60 -1.20
1-Sep-13 224.20 0.40
8-Sep-13 222.20 2.00
15-Sep-13 225.20 -3.00
22-Sep-13 223.20 2.00
29-Sep-13 222.40 0.80

Saturday, 28 September 2013

So many questions????

Where were all of the good looking guys? (don't go on Saturday afternoon -just lots of kids)
How can my arms hurt so much? (shooting pains up my left forearm in my last climb)
How can I build up my rock climbing muscles? (no idea???)

Penny took me rock climbing today and wow! The walls were a lot higher and the courses a lot more challenging. It was so much fun and I just love it but I am so weak, that I really need to work on this.

I am about to spend some time with some pain relievers and rubbing Voltaren/Ben Gay all over my arms.

Friday, 27 September 2013

20 minutes HARD

I tried a new cardio routine today which I thought would be about the same as my couch to 5k run. Boy, was I wrong! It is designed to give you the benefits of a much longer workout in a shorter amount of time. I don't know if that is true but I was sweating like CRAZY CRAZY.

Before you begin, select your cardio of choice (running, bike, eliptical, etc).
Determine your level of exertion from a 1-10. (1 being no exertion, 10 being as hard as you can possibly go)
Plan this out before you start because it goes quick and you need to move up and down the levels every minute.

The table below doesn't format well, but basically you walk for 2 minutes.
Sprint (4 times)
1 minute of all out
1 minute walk

Done with your workout and I promise you will be absolutely wiped out.

Minute Level of Exertion Planned Number
1 5 6km/hr
2 5 6km/hr
3 6 6.8km/hr
4 7 7km/hr
5 8 7.5km/hr
6 9 8km/hr
7 6 6.8km/hr
8 7 7km/hr
9 8 7.5km/hr
10 9 8km/hr
11 6 6.8km/hr
12 7 7km/hr
13 8 7.5km/hr
14 9 8km/hr
15 6 6.8km/hr
16 7 7km/hr
17 8 7.5km/hr
18 9 8km/hr
19 10 9km/hr
20 5 4km/hr

Thursday, 26 September 2013

another stuck month

So, Monday I am starting a CRAZY program. is not that crazy but I am going to start substituting much of my cardio with weights. I do think I need to try something different and I am hoping this will do it. I need more muscle to burn fat. I also think as Lisa said a month ago, I just need to get out of my rut.

It also helps the my roommates, Andrew and Mitchell, are going to do the program with me as well.
In the words of the Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get It Started!

Andrew and Mitchell cooking me dinner. :)

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

I can do it for about 10 seconds

After the end of every cardio class, the instructor always has you do a quad stretch and I have never been able to do it. At first I was too large and then I didn't have enough balance. But, after my cardio weights class, I was able to hold it for at least 10 seconds! I did it!
It just took 25 months to get there....

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sunday weigh-in

I lost two pounds this week and was pretty good with both my tracking and my workouts. I did have a few client events which are never good. It was a good week.

Date Weight lbs Loss/Wk lbs
21-Aug-11 272.80  
25-Sep-11 248.90 23.90
10-Oct-11 243.98 4.92
16-Oct-11 243.10 0.88
23-Oct-11 242.22 0.88
30-Oct-11 231.00 11.22
6-Nov-11 230.78 0.22
13-Nov-11 229.68 1.10
20-Nov-11 229.02 0.66
27-Nov-11 239.90 -10.88
4-Dec-11 237.80 2.10
11-Dec-11 242.50 -4.70
18-Dec-11 245.50 -3.00
25-Dec-11 244.50 1.00
1-Jan-12 244.50 0.00
3-Jan-12 242.50 2.00
7-Jan-12 228.14 14.36
15-Jan-12 227.04 1.10
22-Jan-12 225.50 1.54
28-Jan-12 236.94 7.56
5-Feb-12 234.74 2.20
12-Feb-12 234.74 0.00
19-Feb-12 232.10 2.64
26-Feb-12 234.30 -2.20
4-Mar-12 230.12 4.18
11-Mar-12 232.54 -2.42
18-Mar-12 230.12 2.42
25-Mar-12 228.14 1.98
1-Apr-12 230.56 -2.42
8-Apr-12 226.16 4.40
15-Apr-12 228.58 -2.42
22-Apr-12 231.44 -2.86
29-Apr-12 226.38 5.06
6-May-12 225.50 0.88
13-May-12 226.16 -0.66
18-May-12 224.40 1.76
27-May-12 222.64 1.76
3-Jun-12 226.16 -3.52
14-Jun-12 225.72 0.44
17-Jun-12 226.60 -0.88
24-Jun-12 232.00 -5.40
1-Jul-12 230.80 1.20
8-Jul-12 224.00 6.80
15-Jul-12 219.60 4.40
22-Jul-12 228.00 -8.40
29-Jul-12 224.80 3.20
9-Aug-12 224.80 0.00
12-Aug-12 226.80 -2.00
19-Aug-12 226.20 0.60
26-Aug-12 224.60 1.60
2-Sep-12 223.50 1.10
9-Sep-12 221.20 2.30
16-Sep-12 223.80 -2.60
23-Sep-12 227.20 -3.40
30-Sep-12 225.80 1.40
7-Oct-12 225.00 0.80
14-Oct-12 220.00 5.00
21-Oct-12 224.20 -4.20
28-Oct-12 220.80 3.40
4-Nov-12 224.20 -3.40
11-Nov-12 224.00 0.20
18-Nov-12 225.40 -1.40
25-Nov-12 225.20 0.20
2-Dec-12 227.00 -1.80
9-Dec-12 227.80 -0.80
16-Dec-12 224.80 3.00
23-Dec-12 225.60 -0.80
1-Jan-13 222.80 2.80
6-Jan-13 228.00 -5.20
13-Jan-13 228.00 0.00
20-Jan-13 218.70 9.30
27-Jan-13 218.20 0.50
3-Feb-13 221.60 -3.40
10-Feb-13 220.40 1.20
17-Feb-13 222.00 -1.60
24-Feb-13 219.80 2.20
3-Mar-13 218.60 1.20
10-Mar-13 222.00 -3.40
17-Mar-13 220.20 1.80
24-Mar-13 223.20 -3.00
31-Mar-13 218.40 4.80
7-Apr-13 222.00 -3.60
14-Apr-13 224.00 -2.00
21-Apr-13 226.60 -2.60
28-Apr-13 223.40 3.20
5-May-13 223.40 0.00
12-May-13 224.20 -0.80
19-May-13 222.80 1.40
26-May-13 223.00 -0.20
2-Jun-13 223.00 0.00
9-Jun-13 218.40 4.60
16-Jun-13 225.30 -6.90
23-Jun-13 218.00 7.30
30-Jun-13 218.80 -0.80
7-Jul-13 221.80 -3.00
14-Jul-13 220.60 1.20
21-Jul-13 216.80 3.80
28-Jul-13 219.80 -3.00
4-Aug-13 221.40 -1.60
11-Aug-13 223.80 -2.40
18-Aug-13 223.40 0.40
25-Aug-13 224.60 -1.20
1-Sep-13 224.20 0.40
8-Sep-13 222.20 2.00
15-Sep-13 225.20 -3.00
22-Sep-13 223.20 2.00

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Who knew I was an Olympic-epic rock wall climber?

But, I am!
I have wanted to try climbing for awhile and I finally signed up for the class today at my gym.

I went this morning and it was so much fun! I had a great time and it was a serious workout. The bad news is that my hands are destroyed. I have blisters and hot spots across all of my fingers. I can barely use my forearms. Typing this blog post HURTS!
But, I do have questions. What happens if you rock climb outside? How do you get down if you don't have those tricky ropes? When am I going to look hot like all of those rock climbing guys? They are ripped.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Biggest Loser Season 15

WOW! Interesting discovery today... a guy I went to fat camp with, Hap, has made the Biggest Loser Season 15 show which starts in a few weeks.

What a great opportunity for someone! I really hope he is able to use this time to his advantage and make the most of the experience. My experience with him was that he was very young and over the top. I think he could make some very interesting TV time!


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

500 calorie dinners

Going to a friends house for dinner? Tell them what you can eat and what you can't eat. This is not being a bad guest. This is the lifestyle!
I can not afford for every night to be an excuse to go over my calorie limits.
So....this is what Jim and Andrew prepared tonight. YUMMO!!!!  Salmon with a chunky salsa. Strawberries for dessert.

Setting up for success

One of the success criteria I read about last week said to plan your workouts one month in advance. So, I created my calendar for the month. There is something on every day. There are two or three things planned for most days. This gives me choice. And a GREAT workout if I do all of them.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Exercise inspiration

I had two things happen to me today which really helped with my workout.
1 - I went to my new zumba class and it wasn't great. I just kept thinking, "I don't need to stay. This isn't a good class." But there was a very large girl in the class. She wouldn't give up and she did not get one move right the whole class.  She just kept going and that kept me going for the whole class.
2 - I was working with my colleague, Barry and he told me he had woken up really early. I jokingly said to him, "Did you get up and work out?" and he said, "Yes, I did!"
That is what I want to be like - laughing in zumba and working out just because I got up early.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Motivation Monday

I don't think I thought running was fun even when I was a kid. But I kind of, sort of do now! :)

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Sunday weigh in

So, here is the ugly truth. I started at 272.8 pounds.
Today I weighed in at 225.2.
There are 108 days left to 2013. How am I going to get back to where I need to be?

1 - track, track, track my 1200 calories
2 - follow my exercise program
THAT IS IT. I am not going to worry about sleep, sugar, water, anything.
Keep it simple.

Date Weight lbs Loss/Wk lbs
21-Aug-11 272.80
25-Sep-11 248.90 23.90
10-Oct-11 243.98 4.92
16-Oct-11 243.10 0.88
23-Oct-11 242.22 0.88
30-Oct-11 231.00 11.22
6-Nov-11 230.78 0.22
13-Nov-11 229.68 1.10
20-Nov-11 229.02 0.66
27-Nov-11 239.90 -10.88
4-Dec-11 237.80 2.10
11-Dec-11 242.50 -4.70
18-Dec-11 245.50 -3.00
25-Dec-11 244.50 1.00
1-Jan-12 244.50 0.00
3-Jan-12 242.50 2.00
7-Jan-12 228.14 14.36
15-Jan-12 227.04 1.10
22-Jan-12 225.50 1.54
28-Jan-12 236.94 7.56
5-Feb-12 234.74 2.20
12-Feb-12 234.74 0.00
19-Feb-12 232.10 2.64
26-Feb-12 234.30 -2.20
4-Mar-12 230.12 4.18
11-Mar-12 232.54 -2.42
18-Mar-12 230.12 2.42
25-Mar-12 228.14 1.98
1-Apr-12 230.56 -2.42
8-Apr-12 226.16 4.40
15-Apr-12 228.58 -2.42
22-Apr-12 231.44 -2.86
29-Apr-12 226.38 5.06
6-May-12 225.50 0.88
13-May-12 226.16 -0.66
18-May-12 224.40 1.76
27-May-12 222.64 1.76
3-Jun-12 226.16 -3.52
14-Jun-12 225.72 0.44
17-Jun-12 226.60 -0.88
24-Jun-12 232.00 -5.40
1-Jul-12 230.80 1.20
8-Jul-12 224.00 6.80
15-Jul-12 219.60 4.40
22-Jul-12 228.00 -8.40
29-Jul-12 224.80 3.20
9-Aug-12 224.80 0.00
12-Aug-12 226.80 -2.00
19-Aug-12 226.20 0.60
26-Aug-12 224.60 1.60
2-Sep-12 223.50 1.10
9-Sep-12 221.20 2.30
16-Sep-12 223.80 -2.60
23-Sep-12 227.20 -3.40
30-Sep-12 225.80 1.40
7-Oct-12 225.00 0.80
14-Oct-12 220.00 5.00
21-Oct-12 224.20 -4.20
28-Oct-12 220.80 3.40
4-Nov-12 224.20 -3.40
11-Nov-12 224.00 0.20
18-Nov-12 225.40 -1.40
25-Nov-12 225.20 0.20
2-Dec-12 227.00 -1.80
9-Dec-12 227.80 -0.80
16-Dec-12 224.80 3.00
23-Dec-12 225.60 -0.80
1-Jan-13 222.80 2.80
6-Jan-13 228.00 -5.20
13-Jan-13 228.00 0.00
20-Jan-13 218.70 9.30
27-Jan-13 218.20 0.50
3-Feb-13 221.60 -3.40
10-Feb-13 220.40 1.20
17-Feb-13 222.00 -1.60
24-Feb-13 219.80 2.20
3-Mar-13 218.60 1.20
10-Mar-13 222.00 -3.40
17-Mar-13 220.20 1.80
24-Mar-13 223.20 -3.00
31-Mar-13 218.40 4.80
7-Apr-13 222.00 -3.60
14-Apr-13 224.00 -2.00
21-Apr-13 226.60 -2.60
28-Apr-13 223.40 3.20
5-May-13 223.40 0.00
12-May-13 224.20 -0.80
19-May-13 222.80 1.40
26-May-13 223.00 -0.20
2-Jun-13 223.00 0.00
9-Jun-13 218.40 4.60
16-Jun-13 225.30 -6.90
23-Jun-13 218.00 7.30
30-Jun-13 218.80 -0.80
7-Jul-13 221.80 -3.00
14-Jul-13 220.60 1.20
21-Jul-13 216.80 3.80
28-Jul-13 219.80 -3.00
4-Aug-13 221.40 -1.60
11-Aug-13 223.80 -2.40
18-Aug-13 223.40 0.40
25-Aug-13 224.60 -1.20
1-Sep-13 224.20 0.40
8-Sep-13 222.20 2.00
15-Sep-13          225.20          -3.00


I knew that weighing a lot was a good thing - it keeps me on track! And I've not been keeping track and now I am HUGE! I have gained three pounds. EEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 14 September 2013


I am going to start filling up my workout calendar one month in advance. Friends, please start adding me into your workout calendars!

Friday, 13 September 2013

Sunday is weigh in

Paula sent me another blog where the girl lists her weight and weigh in every week. I AM GOING TO DO IT! I never wanted anyone to know my actual weight but GUESS WHAT???

I'm FAT!
You all know I am over weight.
I am afraid I am gaining weight by not weighing in so I am back to it on Sunday and you will see the results.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Motivational Tips

I have been reading some motivational tips and here are some things that I do well:

Set reasonable goals
Limit but do not ELIMINATE
Pace yourself
Focus on the positive changes
Celebrate the small victories
Trick out your tracksuits
Drop the perfect mentality
Nix the all or nothing approach
Have an accountability partner
Use your social network
Donate your fat clothes

Here are things I don't do but will try and change:

Schedule workout one month ahead of time
List the painful consequences of not achieving your goal
Use You Tube for inspiration
Stay away from bad influences
Get a theme song