Friday, 27 September 2013

20 minutes HARD

I tried a new cardio routine today which I thought would be about the same as my couch to 5k run. Boy, was I wrong! It is designed to give you the benefits of a much longer workout in a shorter amount of time. I don't know if that is true but I was sweating like CRAZY CRAZY.

Before you begin, select your cardio of choice (running, bike, eliptical, etc).
Determine your level of exertion from a 1-10. (1 being no exertion, 10 being as hard as you can possibly go)
Plan this out before you start because it goes quick and you need to move up and down the levels every minute.

The table below doesn't format well, but basically you walk for 2 minutes.
Sprint (4 times)
1 minute of all out
1 minute walk

Done with your workout and I promise you will be absolutely wiped out.

Minute Level of Exertion Planned Number
1 5 6km/hr
2 5 6km/hr
3 6 6.8km/hr
4 7 7km/hr
5 8 7.5km/hr
6 9 8km/hr
7 6 6.8km/hr
8 7 7km/hr
9 8 7.5km/hr
10 9 8km/hr
11 6 6.8km/hr
12 7 7km/hr
13 8 7.5km/hr
14 9 8km/hr
15 6 6.8km/hr
16 7 7km/hr
17 8 7.5km/hr
18 9 8km/hr
19 10 9km/hr
20 5 4km/hr

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