APRIL FOOLS started with an 8:40am 5.2km Race for the Kids. Where do I begin?
I can't discuss anything without first pointing out my slightly ironic shirt I bought - a new Nike drifit shirt that reads "FAST." Needless to say, I left for the race feeling very cool.
I get to the race nice and early to get to my starting point. There are 30,000+ people participating so there is a bit of walking to do to get to your start. As I am looking around I notice the posters of the sick kids all over the place. And here starts my first tear-y cry. It was so awful to see these kids in hospital beds smiling at me while I am waiting to run.
Now I have about 20 minutes to wait at my starting point. I look around at all the families near me and realise that they are running as teams. So, their shirts would say something like "Running for Ellie - get better soon" or "David's Team" with his birth date and death date on the back. I start crying again. It is so sad!!! I was standing next to a family who all had the relationship of the sick kid on the back so it would say "Simon's cousin" or "Simon's brother" on their shirt.
I was sad until I had to start running and realised that ALL of these people are going to walk and no one was going to get out of the way. So, the actual race was pretty crap. In general, the event was amazing and the race was bad. There was only one water stop, there were no km markers so I had no idea how I was running or where I was on the course and people were just all over each other because of the amount of runners/walkers.
I got about 2/3s of the way through and had the hill for the Botanical Gardens (not the big big hill) and Tom Petty's "Dont Do Me Like That" came on so it really invigorated me. The last km was difficult as expected but because there were no markers, I was kind of coasting.
With about 1km to go, "Today" by the Smashing Pumpkins came on and I cried again! It was so embarassing! But, I was just thinking of all these sick kids and what a beautiful day I was having and teared up again.
Finally with .2 left I should have turned it up but didn't realise how quick it would be done. I think I could have shaved a minute off my time as I only sprinted the last few meters. I am not sure when I get my official time but I think it will be somewhere around 48 minutes which is definitely TECHNICAL DEFINITION but I never stopped so yea me.
I met up with Jim and Andrew after the race. Andrew took a pic of my running to recreate the race and have a race day pic.
It is a PB in distance since I started running again. YEA!
I ran the whole time. YEA!
I will wrap this up by saying that I did not do any fundraising for this race and now that I did the race I feel bad about that. If you enjoy this blog, and live in Australia, take a few minutes out and donate at https://secure.goodfridayappeal.com.au/donation_v2.aspx If you If you don't live here and want to make a donation, email and I will make it for you. It is a great cause going to the Royal Childrens Hospital.
When and where is the next race? I am not sure but I know that I will be able to do it.