Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Plant based diet

I watched ANOTHER movie on plant based eating and yes - I am now officially trying to eat 100% plant based.  The Game Changers just came out and completely confirmed everything in Diet Fiction.  One of the things that resonated was how meat causes inflammation.  That is one of my big issues!  It is so bad for all my arthritis.  I also have it in my knees and ankles.  So, if it keeps me pain free it is worth trying!   Let's see what happens?!

Monday, 28 October 2019

Monday Motivation

This week's motivation?  ICELAND!
I leave today for a week trip to see the northern lights.

My motivation is that I am grateful I can take a trip like this and walk.
At this point I have no issue with my ankles and knees.  Yea!  And fingers crossed.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Sunday Weigh In

I feel good today and I weighed in at 264.4.  This was down three pounds from last week! 
I'm only walking but maybe more?

Heather said I should only listen to podcasts that I love when I walk so then walking will become a treat.  GAH!

Friday, 25 October 2019

Funny Friday

It seriously does take a lot of work to look normal/chubby.
Not a lie.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019


I know I will never be the size I was when I was 24 years old. 
I do know that.
But I found these pictures this weekend and I am just wondering, is it helpful to post pictures that you know are unattainable?  Forget the shoulder pads and rollerblades, I know that I felt thin and healthy at both of these points in my life.  So maybe, yes?

Both pics make me happy and sad.
I'm not sure????

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Plant based diet

Paula had me watch this doco on Prime this week. It's call Diet Fiction.  They are promoting a plant based diet.

I thought it had a lot of interesting points.  The two things that really stood out is:
1 - Why do we keep eating fat and think we will get thin?  (meat and diary)
2 - quality of calorie absolutely counts

I have waxed poetic about quality of calorie FOREVER.  Their comment was research that proves otherwise is for short amounts of time.

On top of everything else, I am going to try and have meat only one meal a day.
And, one meal a day plant based. :)

Just going next door to the 7/11 there were interesting options.
I grabbed this frozen non dairy ice cream.  I'll blog when I finally try it.

Then for dinner this week, I grabbed some dal and brown rice.

The easiest thing would be oatmeal with almond milk for brekkie.  Easy plant based option.
But I did look at the menu at all the restaurants I went to this weekend just to check out the options. And then ordered steak.
I really did. :)

Monday, 7 October 2019

Monday Motivation

One week from now, I will be done with the half marathon.  That is motivating!!! :)
So, my motivation is that I did a pretty easy 7km this weekend AND....I could still walk pretty well afterwards!  THANK GOODNESS!!!!

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Sunday Weigh In

Today's weigh in was 256.4.  This is down .4. :)
As always, I'll take a loss.

How do I feel about being in the mid 250s?

I can't believe I am knocking out 7-10 kms and am up in weight.  (NO.  It is not muscle. :)  I wish.)

I am happy that I am doing things to stop the madness.
So my positive thought is that if I wasn't writing this blog, having Heather as a coach, running, etc, I may be 300 pounds!!!

So that is what is keeping me positive.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

two weeks until the half

And I am struggling to get out there - I am so scared of my crazy ankles and just lack of motivation.
What is my motivation?
I need to run more not less.
JUST 1KM!!!!!!  grrrrr.......

How can I make running fun??

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Using measurements - I am still not right!

I have been having these ENORMOUS bowls of oatmeal (porridge) the last couple of months and just being so full.  But I use the measuring cup everytime so it never dawned on me that I had the wrong amount.  I noticed yesterday, I was using the 2 cup measurement and not the 1 cup!  I was eating a TROUGH of oatmeal!  So I thought I was having ~300 calorie breakfast and I was really having ~600!!!!  Geesh.