Monday, 29 April 2019

JJ Monday Motivation

I may have run out of JJ quotes for now.  But this is a good last Monday quote.
Set a goal.
How bad do I want it!
I may get sidetracked.
I eat with my eyes instead of my brain.
But I am not giving up.
Thanks JJ!

Friday, 26 April 2019

Funny Friday

I'll take the half ass!!!!!
I can't imagine driving 13.1 miles at the moment let alone run it.  But, did 2kms today.  Only need to do that 10 more times!!!!!  :S

Tuesday, 23 April 2019


What a difference four years makes!  Same dress.  Same event.  I have gained 25+ pounds.  I was a bit taken aback when I saw this picture last week.  It really gives me something to aim at.

Monday, 22 April 2019

JJ Motivation Monday

No dream is too big.
What I want can absolutely be accomplished.
Where are my priorites?
What did I do today to achieve?
Thanks for the reminder JJ!

Friday, 19 April 2019

Funny Friday

1 - This is such a GREAT idea
2 - It doesn't work for me at all because I only have old ladies walking in front of me as I RUN!!!!!

Thursday, 18 April 2019

ANOTHER new app

I have never had so many apps to try and help me get my health under control!
To track my running I have Run Keeper, Strava and Nike Run Club.  (I am really only using NRC now.)
I have Happy Scale to track my daily weigh in.
I have Fabulous to help me form habits.
I have Voxer to communicate with my weight coach.
And now....
I have You Ate.

You Ate has you take a picture of your meal and then you answer the question - Was this meal on your path?   Then it asks you a few other things.  Where did you eat?  Who were you with?  I'm giving it a go to see if I like it. If anyone else is on it, let me know.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Team work!

Penny and I are getting ready for our big 5k in only three weeks!  It has been great to have a partner to train with.  Thanks Pen!

This past weekend was the best I had done in awhile.  I did the full Tan on Saturday and then Fawkner for another 2 km on Sunday. The next goal is to get at least one run in during the week.  UGH!  I hate getting up early but I am exhausted by the time I get home.  Grrrrr....  No win.  I suppose I could do it from the office?  Hmmmmm....I'll think about it.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

no peeing!

One of the many things that has me freaking out about the half marathon is the toilet situation.  I HATE and ALMOST refuse to use a public toilet let alone a park toilet.  But I absolutely needed to do a 4km today and I DID IT!!!!  But I really had to go about halfway through.  I can not believe I did it but I actually used one of the park toilets.  It was surprisingly clean.  What am I going to do for four hours?  Particularly when I will be drinking a lot of water?  Issues!


Monday, 15 April 2019

JJ Monday Motivation

I love this one because I think I do forget to dream big. I am so caught up in the small wins and the little ups and downs that I forget what the bigger play is.  Thanks JJ for reminding me!  I want to be a healthy, super healthy, machine.  And gorgeous!  :) 

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Sunday Weigh In

Normally this would be a very depressed post as I hit a 8 YEAR HIGH this week.  WOW!  I just couldn't believe it when the scale said 267.2.  That really hit me.  That means I have only kept off five pounds since the original fat camp. I was in a bit of shock to be honest.  All this time, MONEY, effort for 5 POUNDS!  But maybe that was the wake up call I needed?  Maybe?

I have had a good two days since then.
Today I weighed in at 264.2
It made me glad to be on top of the issue.
It reinforced that I can make good decisions.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

This is not a treat

I had the luxury of flying first class on Singapore airlines.  What an experience.  I had a bathroom all to myself!!!!
Anyway, on the menu?  Lobster with pasta and asparagus.  This would have been fine but then I just can't help munching and picking and desserting.

This is my life. 
I need to treat every meal like I have a budget of 575 calories which I do!
I want the sundae?  Ok, but then I only have 200ish calories left!

Monday, 8 April 2019

JJ Monday Motivation

Sometimes, I do do bare minimum.
Come on JJ - I will be great!

Friday, 5 April 2019

Funny Friday

I think the funny thing about this one wasn't the guy's sign, it was the lady checking it out in back.  That is funny.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

still on the water

I am still doing at least one push up and one glass of water every morning.  It has been four weeks but neither of them are a habit yet.  I have to remember to do this while I am traveling over the next few weeks.  I really need them to become habitual so I can move on to the next thing.  I think the next thing is ending each night in gratitude.??

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Boss Up

I am still following Serena Williams daughter's doll Qai Qai on social media.  Because she tells it like it is!  BOSS UP!  I love it.

So how am I bossing up?  Well, I am on a plan that if I have a weigh bad day, I need to give money to the worst political campaign.  Who would it be?  Trump?  Pence?  Or McConnell?  Pence is possibly the most vile.  McConnell has the most power.  Send me your thoughts.  I am not going to give ANYONE any money because I am staying strong.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

We have no autumn

Thanks Melbourne for having the weirdest seasons.  A few days ago - sweating in a tank top for my run.  Outside with sun shining and a temp of about 85*.  Today...a high of 55*.  I am in complete winter gear.  I WAS LOOKING FOR RUNNING MITTENS!!!!!!  Summer is gone.

Melbourne does not have four seasons.  We have summer and winer.

Monday, 1 April 2019

JJ Monday Motivation

This one I learned the hard way.  I just had an upper body workout with my old trainer this weekend and I have NOT been paying rent.  And as JJ says, it is due every day!