Tuesday, 31 October 2017

I'm ok!

After seeing two doctors, emailing my surgeon, seeing a radiologist AND having blood drawn for infection....I have been told to suck it up.  My knee is retaining an enormous amount of fluid.  It will take 2-3 weeks for the fluid to drain.  I just have to live with the pain.  Ice.  Rest.  Ibuprofen.  Compress. All of the normal crap.
That is actually great news.  I thought I had a tear or DVT.  Nothing. Just fluid.
Painful fluid!!!!!

My left leg looks like it is filled with fluid from the top down to my ankles.  My left knee is twice as big as the right.  Andrew has been great - I've got his compression sock from his knee surgery and that is helping a lot.  Hopefully the pain and issues go away in a few more days.

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