Saturday, 31 August 2013

How often should I weigh myself?

For the past two years, I have more or less weighed myself daily, but registered my weight weekly, on Sunday mornings. Like many dieters, I am compulsive about weighing myself. The losses brings smiles and the gains bring on dieter depression. In an effort to stop the insanity, I am going to try and not weigh for the month of September. Sunday morning is 1 September and then can I stop from weighing? I don't know!!! And what if weighing is what keeps me on target?
I have read dozens of articles on this and the jury is out. In the end, most say it is personal.

But, below is a summary from another website I found and it sums up what most of the info out there -

If you're trying to lose weight or simply don't want to gain unwanted pounds, how often should you weigh yourself? Many popular weight loss plans, such as Weight Watchers, do not recommend weighing yourself daily. Instead, they recommend stepping on the scales once per week or even less frequently. Our weight fluctuates somewhat from day-to-day, and daily weighing can lead to discouragement and potential diet sabotage if you see a higher number on the scale than you saw the day before. Most diet experts believe that a once-weekly or even monthly weigh-in is a more accurate reflection of weight control progress.
But a group of doctors who studied obese and overweight adults who were trying to lose weight as well as overweight adults who were trying to prevent weight gain found that those who weighed themselves more often lost more weight and prevented more weight gain over two years than those who weighed themselves less frequently. Contrary to the advice given in many popular weight loss regimens, this study suggests that at least some people can benefit from the accountability brought on by daily weigh-ins. Potential advantages of daily weighing include recognition of slow patterns of weight gain that may not be immediately apparent and the chance to modify lifestyle habits before the total weight gain becomes extreme and difficult to control.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Rice and pasta made from veggies

Elissa was telling me that you can buy rice and pasta in the gluten free aisle of the supermarket that is made from veggies so it is virtually calorie free, but fills you up and is healthy. This made me think of a cauliflower rice that Pookey made for me a few months ago. It isn't great, but it gets you through the night, if you know what I mean.

Here is the cauliflower recipe -

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Oh, how I wish it was true

Don had this posted on his Facebook page today and I couldn't resist copying it. Thanks for keeping it real Donny!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Another doctors visit

And still no exercising.
Today I saw my GP and she ordered more tests. And, she has me seeing a blood specialist on Thursday. If today's test come back ok, I can start exercising slowly - which is better than nothing!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Monday motivation

I know that I have posted this one before, but it is such a favorite. It makes me smile and want to run.

Which is worse? Coke or Diet Coke?

They are both AWFUL for your body. Your body can not process either. POP IS POISON!

I have added a gadget on the side of this blog (right below my McDonalds gadget) that lists the date of my last pop which was yesterday. (It was an accident! I was drinking iced tea and I accidentally grabbed Willa's glass instead! It was disgusting! She had mixed 3 or 4 different fountain drinks - it was gross!)

My real last drink of pop was on Friday when I had a cocktail made with diet 7up. I didn't need the cocktail calories let alone the soda pop which it was made from.

I'm done.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

It Pays to Exercise

I just read in this month's Marie Claire that women who worked out moderately for 20-30 minutes three or more times a week earned 9% more than those who didn't.

Is this because you are happier or healthier? Maybe you have a little more umph at the office?
I think I am always crabby at the office no matter how much I work out!!! :)

See????  Crabby.
Does this mean I need more exercise?

My USA Summer Report Card - an F+

Goals -
lose 10 pounds
run 3-4x/week
zumba 1-2x/week
bootcamp app 1-2x/week
max 2 drink nights and ONLY if running beforehand
1200 calories/day with one night of cheeseburger/ice cream

My summer definitely gets divided into Before Lake Geneva walk and After Lake Geneva walk.

Before the walk, I was a solid B to B+.
I was losing weight, running 2-3x/week and zumba.

AFTER the walk, I was a solid F.
No calorie counting.
No exercise.
I just gave up and went back to my old ways.

What was the difference? I think it was three things.
1 - after doing something so huge, I felt it was my right to treat myself.
2 - I physically couldn't walk for days and therefore, couldn't exercise.
3 - There were many special events for the rest of the summer. (road trip, birthday, etc)

I am up 6.8 pounds.
The only reason I am giving myself a + is that I do care and I will continue.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Runners bug

My nieces have taken to the sport of running. They have both completed several kid's 1 mile races and have now signed up for their first 5k! I am so excited for them. Of course, they are both running faster than me already. (not difficult)

This morning when their dad came back from his 6 mile run, they wanted to get in a practice mile. So, off the three of them went for their run. I could hear them all the way down the street. Neither one of them has really mastered pace, but their sprinting is great.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

21 August 2011

What a difference two years makes!
It is definitely time for a quick reflection.

I started this whole thing on 21 Aug 2011. I was over 272 pounds [124kg]. I was lethargic, unmotivated and if I really admit it to myself, not very happy. I didn't realise how immobile I was because it isn't until you lose the weight that you see what you can't or wouldn't do.

In the last 24 months, not only have I lost over 54 pounds, I have:
 - run countless miles including multiple 5ks, and a 10k
 - tried lots of new and different fitness classes and sports
 - can fit into normal clothes
 - am comfortable in airline seats and theatre seats
 - have been meeting new guys and dating

The most important thing is that I have had the help of friends and family and even strangers (through this blog). This is a GREAT anniversary!

Thinner, stylish and having a crazy, fun time with my friends. (Cheeky possum Linda and Geoff)

You don't need to exercise at all!

It takes a burn of 3500 calories to lose one pound of weight. (sigh)

Even is you are a fantastic fitness person who burns a lot while doing their cardio, you can not exercise away a bad diet. The flip side of this is that you do not need to exercise at all to lose weight. If you monitor your caloric intake, you will lose weight. (Obvious benefits of exercise aside, this is true.)

So, even though I have DVT, I can and should be losing weight. But after a 10 days I am gaining. This is for a couple of reasons.

1 - I am not exercising so the additional calories I was burning and not being burned.
2 - I think the exercise mentally keeps you on track more than just sticking to a routine diet.
3 - August has been full of WAY TOO MANY celebrations. My bday was one day but I have been celebrating for weeks.
4 - I am getting ready to get back to Australia and just not in a routine.

Whatever the reason, I need to be super conscious of my diet and get back on track.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Monday Motivation

Wow - do I love this one. I have 54 of these hunks of fat GONE! It has also been so easy to forget that while I just turned 45, I am in better shape than when I was 25! CELEBRATE the good.

Monday, 19 August 2013

I will never, ever choose fruit (I don't think)

I was at dinner for Dave's bday on Saturday night and the topic of our fav foods came up. Rick asked us if we could only eat one thing, what would it be. (Actually, he said three but that was too hard.)

I, of course, said cheeseburgers. I could eat them every day. I love them.

Our friend, Sharon said that hers would be fresh berries, really good blackberries or raspberries. NO WAY! I mean, I love that she loves them and I wish I could love them but I honestly know deep in my heart that I would go back to my Hostess-Hershey-ice cream-high fat diet if I could. I know I can't.

BTW - Dave has some dietary restrictions and had no sweets or cake for his birthday. I can't imagine forgoing cake. UNTHINKABLE! Good on you Davey.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter*

In May, my sister got me excited about the idea of running a 1/2 marathon and we decided to all do the Madison 1/2 marathon in August. After running a 10k in February, I knew that I could train to do it but was unsure if I had enough time to get up to that distance. After talking to my doctor, he felt I should wait until I lost more weight before doing a 1/2. So, I signed up for the 5k.

Since I am still banned from exercise, I spent my weekend cheering on my friends and family as they completed the Madison 1/2 marathon and 5k. It was a BEAUTIFUL morning and everyone posted a PB. The after party was held at the union terrace - it was perfect.

Dave, who was celebrating his birthday did a very fast 5k. I almost missed him as he was so quick.
Scab ran the 1/2 in 1:50 (PB).
Stain ran his first 1/2 in 1:50. (show off!)
My sister ran the 1/2 in 2:35 - a PB that took almost 2 minutes off of her last 1/2.

*Can you name the movie?

Friday, 16 August 2013

It is getting less painful.

My follow up doctor's visit went well and he has assured me that with more rest, my DVT will not escalate to anything more serious. As far as my weight loss goes, I can not exercise or run for the next few weeks. I see my AUS doctor in two weeks so hopefully she will give me the go ahead.

Until then, I need to rest and buy these compression socks for the airplane!

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

My nieces have me watching too much Star Wars

I am going to try to keep a journal at my bed and at the end of each night write one positive think that I did or just something positive from the day. And, one positive thing from my weight loss or exercise. I want to keep focusing on the good and not the evil.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Polar watch contradiction

I think it is safe to say that most people buy a Polar watch because of health and fitness. They either want to track pace, calories or times. So, isn't it a bit of an odd choice for your watch to show you a BIRTHDAY CAKE all day on your birthday?!?!?!?!

Cute? Yes.
Helping with my sugar cravings? No!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Monday motivation

In honor of my birthday week - even the cake wants to be smaller!!!! :)

Seriously, serious

The downside of a roadtrip is the constant sitting in the same position and in my case, my calf kept hurting. I woke up in so much pain yesterday I went to the emergency room. And, I have developed Deep Vein Thrombosis which can be very serious. It means there is a blood clot in my leg which will hopefully deteriorate due to the blood thinners they now have me on. But no cardio activity, no running at least for the short term as they do not want the clot to detach. I guess I really am getting old!

Saturday, 10 August 2013

45 is the new 25, right?

What are my goals for my 45th year?
1 - 52 pounds [26kg]
1 pound per week.
I still would not be to my goal weight, but I would be ALMOST there.

2 - Workout 5-7 hours per week.
I skimp on this one a lot!!!  If I run for a half hour I think, "Oh great, I did my workout." But, I haven't. I need to consistently work out an hour a day with breaks for my body.

3 - I want to go on 45 dates this year. Who is going to help me? He can be any age and live anywhere in the world. The dates will be either for coffee, a drink or lunch so very casual. I am looking to meet new people so, let me know that you have set me up to help me reach my goal.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

When doing my roadtrip planning, I didn't factor in the fact that it was going to be $1 hot dog days at the Cleveland Indians game! Oops! I am glad my mind was preparing but my body absolutely did not listen to what my brain was saying.

Erma and me at the Indians game

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Road Trip

We are about to embark on an American summer...the road trip. Our family will be crossing six or seven states to honor my birthday by visiting two major league ballparks and any other craziness we can find. What does this mean for my weight loss? Nothing good.
I will be eating eating every night in a ballpark with hotdogs, ice cream and lots and lots of yummy badness. In addition, we will eat at diners and take outs while we drive around.

So what is my strategy?
1 - eat smaller breakfast and lunches to save calories for dinner
2 - have the hot dog but that does not give me carte blanche to eat the nachos, pretzels and cotton candy
3 - on my birthday, have a nice treat and enjoy

Let's see how it goes!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Since my ankles are still sore...

What are some exercises that people do that don't involve weight on their feet?
What do you do?

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Still not quite right

My ankles have still not bounced back from that walk. They are ok and I will probably try a short run this weekend. As I am still trying to change things up, (per my advise from Lisa) I may follow the Michelle Bridges plan for the next 12 weeks which is eating 1200 calories a day and exercising 1 hour a day! That is so much exercise! I know if I do 1 hour a day the calories will come off as long as I am sticking to my plans. (Michelle Bridges is the Jillian Michaels of Australia.)

Friday, 2 August 2013

Thursday, 1 August 2013

I am asking...again

I need new music so this time, instead of asking for songs for a playlist, I want you to send me an entire playlist! Songs to make me move! It has to be at least 5 songs for a workout. INSPIRE ME!

Just so you can see that I really like every genre, here is my current playlist in use -
Right Round - Flo rida
Boys in Town - Divinyls
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Boom - POD
Thriftshop - Macklemore
Sometimes a Fantasy - Billy Joel
Billy Got His Beer Goggles On - Neal McCoy
Bring Me To Life - Evanescense
Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars