I am reading The 4 Hour Body by the guy who did the 4 Hour Work Week. So far, his ideas are pretty cra-cra but it is interesting to read about new ideas. While most of his stuff is too extreme for me, one idea he has which I love is instead of tracking calories by food diary, keep a picture diary. The research, from the University of Wisconsin (so it must be true!!!!) says that the photojournals act as an instant intervention and forced people to consider choices BEFORE the damage is done. The research states that photos are more effective than journals. I am going to try and do both.
Take a picture of all of your meals.
If I had to take a picture of a cheeseburger and french fries and post it, would I order it?
Today's lunch was 1/2 of a whole grain sandwich with turkey, cucumber, tomato and avocado. It was a small lunch as my brekkie was late and a bit bigger. As soon as I figure out how to do a picture diary on here, I will start posting. The good and the bad.
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