Friday, 6 July 2018

Why is it so easy to gain weight and so difficult to lose? Why is it so difficult to be fit and so easy to lose that fitness?

As you know, I hike the stop sign every day. At my peak, I was getting to the top in about 1:20.  I ran the last 5-10 minutes.  I got to the top EVERY MORNING.

Since I have been here, I have not made it to the top once.
I have lost so much fitness.

Today, I made it to the second parking lot.  (I think there are 5.)  I had about 1km left and just couldn't do it. (That is not THE stop sign - it is A stop sign.)

So, my goal is every day to make it to a new parking lot.  I think there are 5 to THE stop sign by the end of next week.

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