Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Why women CEOs have ANOTHER strike against them - how do you work out?

I know everyone is sick of me complaining about my knees.  Many of you have pointed out that I need to switch back to swimming.  And I agree. 

But, one of the MANY things stopping me is my hair.

As the MD or CEO of a medium sized organisation, I am expected to look a certain way.  The ladies above are an example of this.  These are women CEOs - they look utterly professional and highly coiffed.  I can't go for a swim and then throw my hair back in a ponytail and go to work.  It just won't work.  Like it or not, we are judged by how we look and I need to look professional. 

I can't swim and have my hair ready for work.
Do I need to pick one or the other?  Maybe.  I'm afraid to try!

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