Here is his great story.
Start Date 1.10.14
Start Weight 106kgs
End Weight 92kgs
How long to get to your goal? 6 months
Andrew, when I look at you before you started, I would have said that you were fit. But obviously, you were seeing or feeling something different. What were a few of the motivating factors to get you started?
Motivations were that I was not happy with the way I looked and felt I had let myself go and lost my fitness. The defining moment was when I saw a photo of myself and realised that in less than a year I had slid back into bad habits. My weight has always yoyo'd and if I'm gaining weight it is a fairly strong indication I'm not living a happy life.
What did a usual day’s food intake look like?
I don't often eat breakfast during the week. When I do its fruit or a yoghurt. Very occasionally I'll have toast. While I was in loss mode I ate porridge most days for breakfast. It's filling and good for fighting cholesterol and economics on calories.
During the loss phase, lunch consisted of a tin of tuna, celery sticks, carrot sticks, brown rice and a piece of fruit. Taking my lunch to work was probably the biggest impact thing I did with diet.
For dinner, clean salmon or chicken breast with steamed veggies or salad. Sometimes a yoghurt or stewed Apple (no sugar!) seemed to work well.
My worst foods (can't not eat them) are potato chips, chocolate, bread and cheese. I can't have these in the house. I can't have just a little.
What diet/food program did you use?
Common sense...If it's fresh and clean it's ok to eat. Control the portion size and don't eat junk food. Count calories if you have a habit to lying to yourself (we all do).
Your PT/gym program was and is very consistent. What did you do for your gym program?
At first I needed the help to be consistent and go to the gym regularly. A personal trainer helped me go at least a couple of times a week and to push myself while I was there.
Once I stared seeing results it was motivating and became enjoyable again. I'm lucky that I get an endorphins buzz from exercise. I mixed it up with weights, tennis and running. Some weeks I was doing 10 hours of exercise and felt great.
What are the challenges with maintaining your weight loss?
Maintaining good habits. Making the time and not the excuses! If I can't find the time I'll get fat and lazy. Reminding myself I will feel good if I exercise usually works. Work does encroach on my by time and zaps energy. Morning workouts always work best for me and work is less likely to "take over" at 6am versus 6pm.
Also reprogramming your brain to feel pleasure when you think about exercise and healthy food was a big factor in maintaining motivation. It's impossible to do something you dislike consistently and consistency is critical for getting to and maintaining a healthy weight and body. "I'm going to feel great after this workout!" If you say it out loud it will come true!
What were some of your goals and how did they change as you went along?
At first my goal was ... I need to lose 15kg. It was really ...I need to not be fat! However as I started to see my body shape and fitness level improve, I dropped the weight goal entirely and just focussed on wanting to feel healthy and happy and energetic. If you like the way you feel and look, you're more confident and motivated. At least that's how it works for me.
What was your exercise plan for the week?
Do you still follow that plan?
At first I was 6 days at the gym. 2 tennis sessions and a run of the weekend. When I had the knee injury followed by survey I had to drop both tennis and running but have replaced with swimming and cycling. I will pick up the tennis again soon (hopefully) but I'm loving the cycling and it's a great calorie burn without the impact damage.
They key is to adapt and try new things. Changing it until keeps you fresh and challenges your body when it works out how to 'cheat'. If you do the same thing all the tome you get too good and efficient at it and you don't get the same burn or strength benefits as you did at first. If I exercise and have no soreness it's time to change it up.
Three things that you believe helped in the weight loss?
Shock - The shock of seeing a picture that didn't look like me!
Variety - three different activities - some solo / some group based. Having some social element like a running group makes exercise more fun.
Routine - make it a habit every day to do some exercise and look forward to it...
Three favorite things to eat on your diet that were healthy options?
Carrot sticks - sweet, crunchy and filling
Brown rice - a tiny sprinkle of salt and pepper makes it a tasty and filling low calorie meal
Tinned Tuna -quick, easy protein and no cooking required
Before and After pics
Great story, Andrew!