Monday, 30 November 2015

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Sunday Weigh In

Geesh!  246.8.  Highest yet.  One more week to fat camp!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

taking it back to basics

Since I'm struggling so much, I made a list on Thursday of things I could do.  Here it is:

5 push ups every day
5 dips every day
eat breakfast at home Monday - Friday
eat fish or veg for lunch
create a workout schedule

Yesterday, I did everything on the list AND walked to work AND did 20 minutes of weights in the gym.

I need to go and do my pushups and dips now before the races.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Funny Friday

I don't like to use bad words on the blog if I can help it, but this one was too good!

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

zero improvement

One week after the cortisone injection, there is absolutely no improvement. Boo.
So, I will try and get the gel injection prior to going home, but the research I read didnt say that it had a high success rate.

So, tonight Tim texted to see if I could go for a 5k. Nope.
It hurts to think about it.

Must call doctor tomorrow.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Monday Motivation

I don't know what motivates me right now, but I read this and it helped.  It is every day doing little things that will add up.  By Australia Day, I could be at my lowest ever by just staying motivated and getting down to it.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Sunday Weigh In

I am up to 246.2.  Seriously bad.

The good news is that I have absolutely no excuses this week.  No big client things or races.  The bad news is that I FINALLY got my cortisone injection on Friday and I tried to walk/jog today and at this point it seems to have had little effect.

We will see....