Wednesday, 10 December 2014

How do you manage your desserts?

I had a great day today and wanted one of my small desserts which is usually a small carmello koalo which is 95 calories. Tonight when I went to the store I saw the box of Tim Tams and really, really, really wanted one or two. But, I know what will happen if I buy a box of Tim Tams.  There are 14 cookies in the box and I would eat about 10 before getting sick.

I definitely would eat 10. Maybe eat all 14.

So, in order to get the dessert I wanted and control my calories, I bought the full box, took out two cookies and threw the rest down the garbage shute. This is an expensive but effective way to have my cake and eat it too!


  1. Bryan said, next time, ring him and he'll come and get them!

  2. You can buy TimTam bars (similar size to a Mars Bar) ? I do remember them being sold.
