Friday, 4 January 2013

Bring on the fat man!!!! I mean Santa.

For the first time EVER...I LOST weight in December.  5 pounds [2.27kg] to be exact.  While this isn't great news because I have been going up and down on theses 3-5 pounds for the past few months, I really wanted to go for it before I go back to fat camp next week.

And, I did it.
And I did eat xmas cookies.
I did get sick which helped.  :)  But a girl will take all the help she can get.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Losing weight over Christmas - bloody impressive! Wish I could say the same. Sorry to hear you were sick, but yes, it does come in handy sometimes. B and I are off to Tas tomorrow to get fat on all that cheese and wine.
