Monday, 13 August 2012

Scalegate part IV

Even with my new scale, the numbers are not consistent.  What do I need to do to get a consistent reading?  This is getting crazy.

Should I go to monthly weigh in?
Should I go to measurements only?
Should I only weigh at the doctor?

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean your numbers are not consistent? Maybe that means that your mass is not consistent?

    Or the scales are inaccurate.

    Get some science up on this! find a thing (or multiple things) like a book or a jar or something that you can weigh then record their weight, weight them multiple times over a period of time, if their weight seems to change - something we can essentially rule out - then we know the scales are off.

    Or, your weight simply fluctuates (which seems on the surface more reasonable no?).

    What you probably need is a rolling average of daily weights or something.
