Friday, 9 September 2011

Why are Morman's so $%^&* happy?

As this place is located in Utah, it is not difficult to believe that it is owned and run by Mormans.  Almost everyone associated with the facility (trainer, guides, servers) is Morman and they are ALWAYS happy.

This morning I was really achy and just wanted to be crabby, but no... the HR director comes by the pool and asks:
How is the water?
Isn't it a beautiful day?
Isn't this weather great?
Blagh, Blagh, Blagh.  I am just trying to be crabby in peace and they won't let me.

Then one of the trainers comes by:
How is the water?
Isn't it a great day?

Seriously?  I have never seen any of them frown.  It's not normal.

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