Americans -
Weight Lost - 23.9 lbs
Inches Lost - 16.25"
Chest 6.25"
Belly 6"
Hips 4"
Body Fat Lost +4.6%
BMI - down 4 points
Australians -
Weight Lost - 10.86 kg
Centimeters Lost - 41.3cm
Chest 15.9cm
Belly 15.2cm
Hips 10.2cm
Body Fat Lost +4.6%
BMI - down 4 points
Europeans - use one of the tables above :)
I did have a bit of a pout this morning as my numbers were not what I was hoping for, but they are what they are. I am still thinner and healthier so I need to be happy with that.
That is SO FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!! What an achievement! I knew you could do it. You're nearly 11kg closer to your goal now! Congratulations. Hope you are having a nice herbal tea with your dead cow to celebrate. :-)