Saturday, 3 September 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude

Today in class (the topic was monitoring your heart rate during workouts for those who are interested) the trainer mentioned attitude as an important part of attaining your goals.  I freely admit that I have a terrible attitude about working out.  I hate it.  It makes me sad that I have to do it.  I don't want to do it.

But... she said, "you shouldn't think 'I have to exercise.'  You should think 'I get to exercise.'"

This was totally groundbreaking for me on two fronts.

1 - I should be grateful that I am healthy enough that I can exercise.  Yes, my knee is fucked and my ankles are doomed.  But, I can still go to the gym.  I do have one healthy knee which is better than none.

2 - I don't have to come to Biggest Loser.  I GET to come to Biggest Loser.  I am really lucky and instead of being happy about each class and the opportunity, I am sour about every single one.

So, this was a big turning point for me.  I truly am grateful for this opportunity and that I get to be here.  I do GET to be in these workouts.  I am fortunate.  I will try harder and have a better attitude.


  1. Awesome. That's all I have to say. Awesome.

  2. It's such a shame that mankind doesn't think that way in general! Oh how the world would be a better place. Keep it up.
