Monday, 30 April 2018

Monday Motivation

Have I mentioned that I am really into the Minimalists?  So, in an effort to recycle in May... :)... I am using great pics of me for my Monday motivation!!!!  :)  This picture was entitled "Lake Victory."  A 24-26 mile hike in one day.  I have never had so many blisters.  Took me three days to recover but a great sense of accomplishment!

Also, if anyone wants to give it a go, I am following the Minimailist plan and every day in May I am getting rid of stuff according to the day.
1 May - 1 thing
2 May - 2 things
3 May - 3 things, etc...
Let's see how far I get.

Keep anything that has a purpose or brings you joy.  If you haven't used it in three months or you won't use it in the next three months - out!

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Weigh In

What day is going to be my official weigh in?  I think I will keep my scale and keep it on Sunday.
Good - lets go.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Funny Friday

I really do this because I drive to the Tan to walk the Tan.  I'm smiling.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

I need to rethink my choc tops!

I won't bore you with my WW information, but basically their new program promotes really clean eating and quality of calorie.  That is great.  So you can eat as many clean calories in a day as you want.  You can eat 10000 if you actually could.  And you couldn't.  That is the point.

For example, one of my choc tops is about 350 calories.   On a 1600 calorie diet, it is about 20% of my calories for the day.  A once in awhile treat.

On WW I am allowed 29 calories a day and a choc top is 15 points!!!!  HALF!!!!  But of course you are eating sugar, fat, carb and processing so it is a bad treat.   So sad!

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

a new "before" picture

As I do a mega is my NEW before picture.  I can't wait to take my bday picture and compare!

Next on the list is Ant has asked me to join him in the gym at 6am!!!!!  Trainer will be there from 6-6:45am!!!!  Tomorrow is going to be a loooooong day.  I feel sorry for the people in my first meeting of the day. :)

Monday, 23 April 2018

Monday Motivation

What will I do to be motivated today?  Well, after much urging from my sister who thinks I need accountability added to my game, I am going to join Weight Watchers.  I don't know if it will help but I am willing to try.  I am willing to keep trying.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Sunday Weigh In

I am the only person who goes to India and GAINS weight.  Usually people get sick and can't keep anything down.  I loved the food and it is ALL CARB.  Rice.  Naan.  Yum.

So.  I was scared to get on the scale today but I will get on tomorrow.
I really will.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

It is really suppose to work

I have done several forms of this over the past few years and I am ready to give it a go.  Does anyone else want to do it with me?  This is the original Johnson & Johnson 7 minute workout. 

What will be my goal???
Every day for one week.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Forced walking

Starting today, the buses are running from Commercial Avenue to the Tan, so...I can either bus to the tram, or...walk.  I am going to choose WALKING!!!!  Can this kick start a partial walk to and from work everyday?  I hope so!

Monday, 2 April 2018

Motivation Monday

I'm trying to get back to that place, so my motivation is a pic from 5 years ago.  Pookeys, Tim and I had just run a 10K!!!  My one and only 10k.  I was 219.8!!!!  40 pounds lighter!!!!! I could cry.
But hopefully it will be motivating.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Sunday Weigh In

BARELY scraped in on Easter Sunday by the skin of my teeth!!!  Trying so desperately hard to keep under 260.  so.....259.8