Thursday, 14 September 2017

Why can't I drink water?

If anyone has any other ideas, I will take them but I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of and I still can't even get in three glasses of water a day.  I know it would help with my hunger, help with internal digestion and many other things.  I have tried:

 - Keeping a bottle next to the bed
 - Keeping a bubba on my desk
 - Try to remind myself prior to meal time
 - Forcing water before bed
 - Adding fruit and herbs to the water


Last week, I made a rule.  If I have a tea,  I need to have a water but that just doesn't last because I forget or I am too cold.  At least spring is on the way!

1 comment:

  1. Don't allow yourself to drink anything until you drink water - no coffee, no tea...nothing until you first have water. When you get thirsty enough, water tastes great.
