I kept telling myself - You can not exercise away a bad diet. BUT….
1 - it keeps me motivated
2 - it atones for a lot of sins. And when I say sins, I really mean cookies.
3 - Exercise is a natural appetite suppressant.
I think exercise is the real different in my weight loss and so I had come to the same conclusion - I need to go exercise nuts. I drew up a calendar yesterday with two exercise options every day. And if my knee/body can keep up, the running really helps. In the back of my mind, I would like to do a half marathon. I could do a half by the end of the year. And for those of you who remember, I want to do the Nike Women's Half. At the end of the race, a fire fighter - dressed in a tux - gives you a charm from Tiffany. (I believe it was Miss Elissa who said that if I completed ANY half, my friends would find a fire fighter to dress in a tux and give me a charm.) I will buy the charm but you ALL have to hold up your end of the bargain!!!!!! :)
As far as my speed, I read in Runners magazine a few days ago that for every 10 pounds you lose, you subtract a minute from your 5k or something like that.
So thanks to Todd for the suggestion. I think you are spot on!
I will find a firefighter.