Monday, 4 January 2016

Fat camp friends

Very interesting group this week.  There are about 20 people here.  Three of them weigh about 100 pounds combined. They are super fit girls who write a fitness blog.  WHAT?!??!?!  I write a fitness blog! :) I sat across one at breakfast this morning and she had a hard time finishing her meal. SERIOUSLY!  It is the smallest portion of toast and eggs you will ever see and she could barely get the toast in.

The other surprise guest is a known Hollywood actress. She isn't A list but you would know her. Is it betraying her confidence to say who she is? I won't give her name. Actually, I LOVE her husband and just saw him perform in Melbourne a few years ago. She has been very quiet and nice. That's all I'll say.

It seems like a very nice group.

I've started the morning with a great workout (by myself while everyone hiked) and am really going to use this week for planning and getting my act together!